Friday, September 17, 2004

Working for the Mentally Ill

The following directions have been given to teachers in the last two weeks (all by the principal):
  • At the end of class, follow your students to their next class. [This is a secondary school -- they go in several different directions.]
  • Check I.D. tags as they enter the classroom.
  • Check I.D. tags as they exit the classroom.
  • Stand by your door as the students pass.
  • You are not glued to your door. Walk down the hall to observe the students as they pass.
  • If a student gets in his or her locker when it is not allowed, walk them to the office.
  • No student is allowed out of class without a signed pass.
  • Do not give students passes.
  • If a student has a pass, they must also have an I.D. tag.
  • Do allow all students to take a 5-minute break during long classes. When they are on break, do not allow them to be loud or disruptive. Students should go to the water fountain [which is around the corner], then the restoom, then directly back to class. Boys go to the bathroom on one hall and girls should go to the bathroom inside the gym. If they stay in the bathroom too long, do go in and make them come back to class. If students follow directions and come right back after getting a drink and/or visiting the restroom, they should be allowed to visit quietly inside the classroom, but do not let them be disruptive.


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